Connecting Blocks



Andrew’s Audio passive connection blocks epitomise the simplicity of our infrared relay systems. Shielded cables are not required. (DL-8 Data Cable is recommended to ensure reliability) cable length is not a problem in most installations and all include status. Our passive units are targeted at basic applications that require less sophistication, but demand flexibility and reliability throughout.

All Connecting blocks feature:

Infrared: Status (White) Signal (Blue) Ground (Green) V+ (Red)
Up to 10 Infrared receivers when used with PS-1
Cable: Andrew’s Audio DL-8 recommended
Indicators: Status (Green) Talk Back (Red)
Power: PS-1 (Included) or PS-3 regulated power supply for Foxtel Digital set top boxes (optional extra)

Note: If a motorised screen and a projector lift is being used, LeisureTech recommends the use of two CB-28’s wired in a master / slave configuration. The master CB-28 is the one that gets triggered by the projector (whether you use current sensing or a 12V trigger). The second CB-28 then becomes the slave unit. To connect units together, connect the STAT and GND terminals of the master to the GND and 12+ terminals on the slave. When the master is triggered it will switch the slave unit as well.